2004-01-16 10:06 p.m.


(since no one else is likely to read this any time soon)

Well, this is it. I finally caved, and started a weblog/online diary. I've been reading some for years, and have always envied their writing skills, and have come to the (obvious, some would say), conclusion that my writing skills won't ever improve if I don't, you know, USE them. So, at the risk of sounding repetitive, here I am.

Apparently I am going to have to learn some HTML, because at the moment, I have skills to rival my grandparents HTML skills, and not really anyone else.

(edit: I looked up some tags)

ie, I know nothing.

About HTML you ass, not about everything. I know lots about almost everything else. I am the Trivial Pursuit KING!! Well, maybe not the KING, but I am pretty ok at it.

I also have the idea that I am going to pony up some cash for the whole "see how many people have viewed your site, see who has linked to you, validate yourself" dealy-do. I'm insecure that way, I am eventually going to have to know if I am being read at all.

I also expect my writing style to change, and evolve as time passes. As it is, it sort of resembles that of not an insubstantial number of other Diarylanders, and one in particular(in style only, not skill), but that is simply osmosis. I have been reading this guy's archives for a while, and he's sort of rubbing off on me.

What a perv.

Ok, that's it for "Entry The First".

I just broke my cherry, and it's a bit messy around here, so I'll have to come back in a few days/hours/minutes/whatever and update again, hopefully with some more style.

If I can dig out my copy of HTML for Dummies.

Later Skaters.

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