2004-01-16 10:56 p.m.

My First Update!!

Ok, so I'm playing around with some HTML, taking a crash course as it were. Probably an apt description.

I realized I should give you some background, tell you who I am, what I am all about, all that boring crap.

Here goes.

Feel free to surf away any time.

My name is Rob, I recently turned 30(more on that later, trust me), and I am new to this world. Diaryland, and the world of online confessionals/brag boards/self promotion/self destruction/etc, not the Earth. I've been on the Earth for, as I believe I mentioned earlier, a little over 30 years. Close to 31 if you count gestation, but I prefer not to think of that time in my life.

I'm tall(6'2"), I have a fast metabolism(I can eat McDonald's all day, every day and not get above 170 lbs), and I look more like I just turned 20, not 30. Which sounds good on paper, but when you're single it sort of sucks. I don't get hit on by anyone in my age bracket. I get hit on by the girls with fake ID's. Which, maybe, isn't such a bad thing after all.


Nah, I'd feel like a dirty old man. Damn morals.

I live in Canada, near Toronto, and it is COLD here right now. Like, 20 to 30 degrees below zero. That's celsius. In Farenheit, I believe it converts to just above a witch's tit. Or just below, I might have forgotten to carry the 1.



Oh yeah, in case you couldn't tell, I don't like being cold. I can deal with a couple of degrees below zero, but you get too far into double digits, and you've got one whiny-assed carpenter on your hands, let me tell you.

Maybe one of these days I'll fill you in on something sort of interesting. But probably not.

I did break up with my girlfriend yesterday. That's interesting. And I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I don't know if that's interesting, or just pathetic, but I've just released that thought. It's out there now, no recovering it. Be gentle with it.

It never meant any harm.

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