2004-01-17 11:36 a.m.

Apparently I'm Not A Millionaire

Ok, morning people. Wait....Yeah, ok it's still technically morning. So I just woke up, had a bowl of cereal(Froooooot Looooops), and came down here to check my Super 7 numbers. I see that someone from Ontario won the whole shebang. It wasn't me. Goddamnit.

I really could have used $20 Million.

You know, for important things, like Ferraris and Ducatis and stuff. Oh well, I guess this means I'm not retiring this week.

If the person who won happens to read this thing, and happens to be a single woman......I'd make someone a WOOOONDERFUL husband some day.

Hell, if it's a single guy.....same rules apply.....

I've never sucked a dick, but for $20 Million I'd sure give it the old college try, you know?

Ok, that's it for right now, I'm off skating at Harbourfront, or Nathan Phillip's Square.

Hasta la pasta.

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