2004-01-19 3:05 p.m.

Feelings....nothing more than....feelings...

So, how the heck are you?

I feel like we can talk personally, because there really aren't that many people reading this. Now, that's not an editorial on the poor reading tastes of the general public. I promise. I know that it's all MY fault. Why? Well, I guess I should come clean, and admit that I am a bit lazy from time to time. I haven't actually TOLD anyone about this site. I think one of my room-mates found it, being nosy and looking through my history files, but I haven't actually opened my mouth and informed anyone that I have written something. So I can chalk it up to a serious lack of advertising. Just so, you know, you don't think I am blaming SOCIETY for my short-comings as a popular writer.

So since we can talk, you know, sort of one-to-one, maybe we can share some thoughts. Inner-most secrets. We can emote together. It'll be just like being on a talk show, without the audience of millions. Sound good? I think we all have something we need to get off our chests.

You first.


Ok, if you're going to be all bashful. Maybe you're right. Maybe we don't know each other well enough yet. But that could change. We could become the bestest of buddies. If only you'd open up to me a little bit. Just a hint. An anonymous email, a note, something, so that I know you're out there, that there is a nickname behind the IP. A gesture of faith and goodwill.

I even promise not to make fun of your stupid nickname.

I don't promise not to hit on you if you are a woman who lives within 50 kilometres from me. Or even 100. Ok 1000. Oh who am I kidding you could be a 375 lb construction worker living in Singapore and masquerading as a woman, and I'd probably flirt a bit.

Just on principle.

I like to be liked. It's fulfilling. And I'll come clean, I think I am one heck of a catch. My mom has been telling me for years, and I don't doubt her judgement one bit. I am SEXY!!! (insert trumpet fanfare here)

Ok, now I'm just being silly. I simply don't know what to write today. I don't feel like being serious. I mean, I have a lot on my mind, and could try and relate some of it to you, but I'm just not feeling the groove today. You're too much of a stranger still. I haven't discovered my audience. If you're there though, reading this, it's not that you're not important enough, I'm just having one of those days.

Are we cool?


Maybe I'll update later tonight, after my hockey game. I'd say wish me luck, but we haven't won a game yet. We're just that sort of team. We're so bad, we're a bunch of 25-35 year old people, and we got asked to move from the rec league to the 'over 45' league. And we still haven't won a game!!! Isn't that wicked? And the best part is WE LOVE IT! All the other teams love us too. Of course that could simply be because they get a chance to pad their stats, but we prefer to think it's because we're so damn fun to play against.

So, until then, my anonymous lovers.

Unless you're boys. Not so much with the lovers then. I'll just chuck you guys on the shoulder and we can drink manly beer together, Guinness or something.

Hasta Ma�ana. Or Luego. Whichever.

Spanish THIS mofo.

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