2004-01-29 11:02 p.m.

I Am A Bad, Bad Blogger

Greetings! I am, I am. I am a bad blogger. I don't mean that I am naughty, but that I am un-good. I haven't updated in a week or more, and this blog is NEW! I ran out of things to say in FOUR posts?? No, not really, I am just too damn lazy to update. I don't feel like giving you a daily update on my life, even though this is DIARYland. My life is just too boring. I think it's just going to take awhile to get into the swing of writing down the random thoughts and rants that come into my poor, demented little head. You see, I am used to suppressing all of that. I fear the thought of unleashing all of these things, for fear of indictment. Either personal, or legal.

Just kidding.

I don't fear legal indictment, I am invincible!!

Really. I am. You want proof?? Ok. Sit on this one: Am I dead yet?

Nope. No one has been able to kill me, or hell, even break a bone in my body yet. Thirty years is a long time to base an experiment on. You can quote stats from a survey of a hundred people and say it is accurate. Thirty years of invincibility!! I think that qualifies as a bona fide acurate sampling. Therefore I am invincible.

Hey FATE! Tempt! Tempt!

I think, therefore I am. I cook spaghetti, therefore I do dishes. I eat spaghetti, therefore I have heartburn.

I am such a sap. Secret time folks. I am a sucker for sappy movies. I just watched "You've Got Mail", and loved every minute of it. I think Hugh Grant is funny. I liked "Notting Hill".

There, I said it. Now you can feel free to take away my Manhood Membership card. When I die.

Which will be NEVER!!!

I'm invincible, remember?

Jesus, please us, will you PLEASE pay attention? I'd hate to think I am talking to a disinterested audience. Although I would like to think I am talking to an audience. Period. I suppose I should promote this blog somewhere for that to happen, but I feel I should have some archives to flip through before I do that. And I won't have past posts until I, you know, post something. Which I am generally too lazy to do.

Sort of a Catch-22.

Which is a damn fine bit of reading, by the way.

Ok, no stupid stories to tell today. I just don't feel like it. My life is a stupid story, I never fail to make the wrong choice. I should just take a video camera everywhere, and film myself. Then I wouldn't have to type anything, I could just show you all the tapes. Of course that would involve editing, and uploading, and all sorts of crap. I'm too lazy for that.

Ok, so sporadic updates it is!!

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