2004-02-27 6:40 p.m.

Sunshine, Lollipops, and Misbehavin' Days

Buenos noches my little friends. Long time, no update. But I am back, spurred on by a little voice, coming from the west.

Ok. I am having a serious case of the Happy/Sads today. Over all we can christen this, the twenty seventh day of February, in the year two thousand and four, as a bad day. BAD day! Go to your room. Perhaps I should explain, no? I'll start with the Happy. Just because the Sad is more important today, so I'll leave it for last. You don't like it? Write a letter to your local MP.

Why am I so darned happy today? Well, have you been outside on this fine, warm, winter's day? Because if you haven't, don't bother. You missed the best part. It was one of those days, rare in February, that give you hope. A quick reminder that winter is but a season, not the status quo. It fades. Spring is coming, and I can't wait! I had the heater off in my truck, my shades on, and the window cracked. Just to have a few meagre breaths of fresh(FRESH!), air instead of recirculated stuffy old air. To walk outside with your jacket undone, or even (gasp) not on! Oh joy of joys, sing me your favourite love song baby, cuz I'm feeling the Springtime Luuuuurve!

I love how the weather can affect my mood in such a positive way. Alas, that is all that I have for today that is happy and gives me the warm fuzzies. Now, before you get too far ahead of yourself here, you should realize that I am not about to get all maudlin on you, I am not about to lay a heavy, 'cry for me' story on you, but I am going to throw some unhappy shit your way. Ready?

Well, it goes like this. My grandmother, my mom's mom, got put in a home today. Not a retirement castle, and it wasn't voluntary. She has Alzheimer's disease, and my grandfather can no longer take care of her, even with the assistance of some in-home care workers. Unfortunately some of the less selfish members of my family kept talking my grandfather out of filling out the papers that would get her in a home in a timely fashion when he wanted to do it, months ago, just in case. Because, realistically, we all knew this day was coming. But since they didn't like the thought of grandma being in a home, my grandfather was manipulated into not filling anything out. Running himself ragged, trying to keep grandma safe, fed, clean, and inside. He's 79 years old, and in no shape to baby-sit.

People with Alzheimer's are extremely hard to care for. They like to wander, they hide things, they get very suspicious of people, they forget things, and they can be violent. My grandfather had locks installed on the doors to make sure that she couldn't go a-rambling, but somehow grandma got hold of the keys the other day. She hid them where grandpa 'will never find them, and now I am going to come and go as I please.'

So my uncle got to make a trip over there on the weekend, and while grandpa distracted her, new locks were installed on the doors.

Because of this episode, and a few others like it, the doctor decided it was time to put grandma in a home. NOW. But since the aforementioned family members decided to put their personal stamp on the proceedings, the papers that should have been filled out, and would have gotten grandma into a nice home, close to her own house, weren't and now she had to be shipped off to a home an hour away. And when a local home gets an opening, she gets to have her world turned upside down again, and moved back down here. Thanks, family. Grandma thanks you too.

Now, the reason this whole episode is so unhappy for me, is not that it happened, I am glad she is going to a home, she needs it. I just hate the fact that it had to happen. Alzheimer's is a nasty, evil affliction, and I sometimes feel as though I have already lost her. She still knows my name, and who I am, but that is fading fast. And the spunky, eccentric woman who taught me to fish, and shuffle cards, and start campfires is now a meek, scared woman, who hardly talks. And soon she won't even recognize my face. I grew up as one of two grandchildren to this lady, and was therefore spoiled rotten by her, with time and gifts. I spent a good portion of my childhood with her, at the cottage, camping, or just hanging around their place, hoping for some of her wicked cooking. I know everyone's grandma is a good cook, but my grandma was seriously gourmet. You wouldn't believe the food we got drowned in. And the desserts! I know where I got my sweet tooth from, let me tell you.

So that is why today is Happy/Sad.

Go call or hug your grandparents. Or parents. Or anyone you love.

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